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Sunday, May 31, 2020

Still in this Pandemic

It's May, and Covid (or the Corona's) is still happening.  Everything is pretty much still shut down and people are still hiding out not wanting to be labeled like the kid with head lice.  

Homeschooling is happening, but just like every other school year, May hits and the educational drive is zapped from existence.  I'm just hoping that the teachers who are grading my children's assignments are putting in as much effort as I am in making sure they are turned in.  ;)  Teachers seriously need a fat raise after all of this mess.  Or at least keep the soda machines stocked with all their favorite beverages.

The good news is, I have friends who live for adventure.  Covid isn't stopping them from all the fun.  The #REC ventured out to Island Park for some relaxation and fresh (hopefully no Corona's) air.  It was a needed getaway.  Here's what my schooling has taught me: late nights+food+friends=hilarious  No mistakes there.

It's not all fun and games during a pandemic.  After the break, I came home and helped my siblings take care of my mom after he knee replacement.  She's a trooper.  Another equation to sum up this experience: late nights+pain meds+ my hero mother=Hilarious

As per tradition, on Memorial Day, we went to the cemetery with family.  I have been going to the Menan Butte Cemetery for as long as I have been alive.  It never fails to be a place of peace, and fond memories.   

(All 3 of these cousins have the middle name Kimball)

(The twins were named after their Great Grandfathers)

(The Mack cousins)

Finally, the covid school year came to an end.  The 6th graders (Birdie) missed out on the fancy graduation and the fun and games, but we still got to come say good bye to our teachers and our favorite principal.

Gimme's school year ended with the removal of the braces.  Plus she turned 16.  So here's the math on that:  Gimme-Braces+dating age+boys=intense interview for prospective dates.  I was going to turn that into a story problem, but somehow the answer was always coming out at 0.  No dates.  No boys.  No growing up.

She had a big party with her friends for her sweet 16. And sweet she is!  I don't know what I would do without my beautiful firstborn.

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