The newest member of the David Archuleta fan club.
After Mulligan played in his flag football game, I took him to the David Archuleta concert in Rexburg.
It was dreamy.
No surprise there.
Mulligan loved it.
He also loved that I dragged him around the John W. Hart building to show him where his dad and I met, and talked. And he was also very interested in seeing a picture of his great-great grandfather after whom the building was named.
OK, so maybe the tour of the building wasn't that exciting to him, but you should have seen Mulligan's face light up when David started singing "...Once I was 7 years old..." He loved it.
I'm almost certain that if given the option, any one of my children would proudly wear a t-shirt donning David's face.
Hey! That just gave me a great idea for our next family picture...
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