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Monday, August 31, 2015

Pot Pies

I didn't want this day to get too far gone before posting for Kimball's birthday.  He would have been 37 today.

Since it was the first day of school today, I couldn't help but remember all the "first days" I shared with Kimball growing up.  Back in the olden days, when "Home lunch" was an option, Kimball and I used to meet at the front doors of our elementary school at lunch time, and without any warning, he'd take off sprinting.  I had to keep with up him...I didn't want him ahead of me!  As soon as we reached the Erickson home (about a block away), he'd walk, I'd walk, we'd catch our breath during that second block, and then there we were, sprinting that last block until we reached the front door of our home.

We were greeted with a prepared lunch, and then off to sprinting again.

One of my favorite lunches was pot pies.  They were so good, but always right out of the oven--so they were hot!  Because we didn't want to miss any recess with friends, or heaven forbid, be less than the first pick for basketball teams, (him.  Not me.  I wasn't into sports yet.)  Kimball devised a way to cool the pies, so that we didn't have to eat them so delicately.

He added a little cold milk.  Not enough to make it too soggy, but just enough to cool it so it wouldn't burn our tongues!  We could dig right in.  And dig we did--we were racing the clock!

If I ever prepare those pot pies, I still, to this day, add a little milk...mainly for the sake of the memory.

I am sure that if he were alive, we would enjoy a little sprint to and from the school (for the sake of the memory of course--plus, I'll bet I could beat him home now... ;) ) and a little pot pie!

Happy Birthday Kimball!

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