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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The Rest of California...

...Mostly in pictures, because I'm home now.  It's not like I have all day to sit down and blog about every detail of every day. ;)

I'm so grateful for that.

This boy and his Buzz Backpack...it went EVERYWHERE with us.

First Night after getting discharged from the hospital...blowing bubbles.  Lots and lots of bubbles.

As if this hospital wasn't already awesome...they are expanding.  It's going to be great.  We spent hours watching construction. #thingswedoforfun

Discharge day.  One of Bogey's favorite things is to see the displays by the cafeteria; it works great because my favorite thing #dietcoke is IN the cafeteria.  #winwin

We had to stop outside and see the flowers and stuff. #stopandsmelltheroses

Nothing beats a trip to the NIKE store.

Can you guess which picture was taken when it was time for medicine? #ohthefight

But at least the kid is hilarious.  Medicine or not.

Outside the Ronald McDonald House.  Bogey would have NOTHING to do with Ronald...the statue.
But he LOVED the slide.
and the tree house, and the "soccer field".

Ace brought all of the kids to pick us up at the airport.  We stayed in a hotel.  We went bowling on the way home.  Don't let the photos fool you.  Gimme had the time of her life.

The cherry on top of this whole cake was cracking into these:
Thanks Mary and Danyelle.  When these are gone, I'll quit.  (I'll let you know if I'm referring to the Diet Coke, or the puddings. ;) )

It is so nice to be home living the life of chaos.  I for one cannot wait for school to be out.  I love spending my days with this family I've been blessed to call my own.

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