Even though I don’t decorate my house for the 4th of July, it is still my favorite holiday of the year (Shawn Bean, your birth on that day makes it my super favorite holiday! ;). It’s a pretty big deal for me to watch the fireworks, spend the day with family, and soak up a little sun along the way.
This year didn’t disappoint. I was able to spend the day with ALL of my family. We kicked off the day with a little 5k (Renae, Marilyn, Christa, Emily, myself, and scads of other Firecracker 5k fanatics), followed by the traditional “Groberg” (a family that lived next door to my in-laws for years. A few years ago, the parents sold their home to their daughter who has carried on the tradition) Neighborhood Flag Ceremony (they invite the neighborhood, then serve doughnuts…Mulligan wouldn’t miss it ;) They go all out to spread the patriotic vibe.
(That is Elder Christofferson. He played a fairly significant role in our family last year while Bogey was still in the hospital. It was one of those experiences that is journal-worthy, but not really blog-appropriate. He was at the flag ceremony, so we had to snag a picture. He’s holding his grandson.)
After the doughnuts, there was kickball at the park, a family reunion (with Ace’s gma, aunts, uncles, and cousins), and lots and lots of sunshine.
(the best mother-in-law anyone could ask for and Bogey)
Double Bogey and cousin Kaitlyn.
Seriously, when we get together with family, I forget that I have children. All of them seem to disappear with their best friends/cousins. It is such a blessing to know that my children have such great examples to look up to.
Every year (at reunion time), my dad, brothers, nephews (over 12 years old) and brothers-in-law put together a golf tournament that they have dubbed the “Kimball J. Memorial Classic”. They split into teams, and get back to back tee-times. In the past, they have taken two way radios to talk trash communicate with each other, but this year they used our family “GroupMe” app to keep us all in the loop. I don’t know if those guys even know how funny they really are. On the last hole, each of them tees off left handed with Kimball’s driver, because Kimball golfed left handed. There is a big fat travelling trophy involved. The tournament has become a special tradition. (Now all I have to do is train the guys to take pictures along the way…)
My mom hosted a fabulous BBQ in her backyard later in the evening, and then we walked to the park, to watch the fireworks…er, the Melaleuca Freedom Celebration. We had snacks a plenty, glow sticks galore, and (despite a delay in the schedule), fabulous fireworks.
I’m already looking forward to July 4, 2014.
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