While Bogey was staying at Primary Children’s Medical Center in Salt Lake, (July 2, 2012-July 28, 2012) Ace and I stayed at my brother’s house for a few nights. I loved spending time with my oldest brother, and his family. After Bogey was released, it was long time before I could stomach another trip to Utah. Every time I thought about it, I panicked, remembering our time in the hospital. However, I was having some Utah Hart withdrawals.
One weekend, I loaded up the tribe and headed south. I was so worried that I was going to relive the drama of the hospital, being in the same place where I received those phone calls in the middle of the night, informing me that Bogey’s lung had collapsed, or that his leg had lost circulation after a day in the cath lab.
However, that was not the case at all. The second we walked through their front door, we were hit with the peace and love that form the foundation of that home. My children were so excited to play with their cousins. I had a great time catching up with my sweet nephews and nieces. I really did miss them. They are so good with my kids, too. I love that all of the cousins are such good friends.
These 4 girls were constantly playing. They have super imaginations!
I have yet to see a baby stay awake in Doug’s arms. They can’t resist, the subtle bouncing, and the “shh, shh, shh” sound in the ear.
It was fun to see Bogey bonding with his hospital visitors.
I love that Tanner has committed to the Cardinal. I’ve requested that everyone in the family agree to jump on the Stanford wagon, but never expected such dedication. ;)
It didn’t take Mulligan long to find a buddy!
These guys are fantastic baby-sitters. If they lived closer, they’d have a full-time job—at my house. I would pay in hugs and kisses, because that’s what all the favorite aunts do!
It was such a blessing to have family so close during such a traumatic time, but it’s even more of a blessing to have the kind of relationships that I do, with my brothers and sisters and their families.
Our weekend in Utah was memorable, and relaxing. I loved being with my brother, talking to him like a friend, and soaking up the wisdom he exudes. I always walk away from my sister-in-law vowing to be more like her (plus, she is so funny…).
As we were driving away from their house, Gimme said, “We don’t come to our Utah cousins house very much. I don’t know why. It’s so fun! We should probably start coming every other weekend.”
Every other weekend might wear out our welcome sooner than we’d like, but it was fun. I hope we can make it more often!
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