Your daughter sounds just like Alyssa. She won't do anything "boyish" either. And I love your apple cupcakes!
Oh no she didn't! you whip that daughter of yours into shape now!! jk-I actually had the same attitude when I was her age-she'll grow out of it-just don't let her be a cheerleader because you KNOW how we feel about them!!haha
those are so cute!!! i want the recipe!!!
Cute cupcakes! Haha--she's gonna want to be a dancer and cheerleader and all the really girly stuff! Hey- I did both (though I stunk at BB).
Holy cupcakes?!? Are you kidding me? Those look amazing!!!! And being in the shape of an apple, they've got to be pretty darn healthy to boot!
Those are crazy cupcakes! I'm all about cuteness, but I can't imagine the effort.....:( ..... u still have another one to hope for! :)
Don't be too hard on her. But I can relate, as I think on my kids saying they won't sing or scrapbook...ever.
She'll give in. Just be firm and don't let her leave her room.
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Your daughter sounds just like Alyssa. She won't do anything "boyish" either. And I love your apple cupcakes!
Oh no she didn't! you whip that daughter of yours into shape now!! jk-I actually had the same attitude when I was her age-she'll grow out of it-just don't let her be a cheerleader because you KNOW how we feel about them!!haha
those are so cute!!! i want the recipe!!!
Cute cupcakes! Haha--she's gonna want to be a dancer and cheerleader and all the really girly stuff! Hey- I did both (though I stunk at BB).
Holy cupcakes?!? Are you kidding me? Those look amazing!!!! And being in the shape of an apple, they've got to be pretty darn healthy to boot!
Those are crazy cupcakes! I'm all about cuteness, but I can't imagine the effort.....
:( ..... u still have another one to hope for! :)
Don't be too hard on her. But I can relate, as I think on my kids saying they won't sing or scrapbook...ever.
She'll give in. Just be firm and don't let her leave her room.
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