Well actually, mostly treats this year. My parents were here on Halloween, and because it was on a Sunday, we kept the whole thing so low key--as in the ward Trunk or Treat--wah la. Done. The kids got treats Friday night and they were as happy as could "bee" about that.
Seriously, no type of "fairy" could replace the excitment my kids felt to have grandma and grandpa around to play games and read books with. They really didn't care that they didn't get to go house to house to trick or treat.
Good ol' Mulligan didn't even want to dress up (I love seeing myself in my kids... :). He just wanted to go as "Nothing", but he carried his golf clubs just to be a good sport.
Since the kids had never been to the temple up here before, we drove over to Spokane and walked around the temple. It was freezing cold, but we still took some really cute pictures.
1 comment:
I haven't seen your parents in years. They look fantastic. Isn't it amazing how grandpa and grandma always seem to make everything, even the most simple things, more fun?
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