I know. I've been in Blog Overload lately. I don't know what has gotten into me!
Nonetheless, yesterday was Columbus Day and I didn't want the special day to slip away without doing something fantastic to honor the man who discovered so much!
So, for my celebratory activity...drumroll please...
I cleaned out the van!!!
I just started thinking about it and I'll bet that Chris ran a pretty tight ship (well, ships actually). I'm sure that becasuse there was eating on the boats, people spilled and made messes. But I'm certain those messes didn't stay for long, and create smells that blow you away at first whiff.
I decided I had better buckle down and make a few discoveries for myself (as in the cause of the rankness that spilled out the van door when opened). I suited up (I acutally just didn't change out of my "sleepwear"--I wanted to save on laundry. Hey don't judge me, I'll bet Columbus and Co. only had one outfit to last them their whole journey and that was a lot longer than my time in my p.j.'s!), and headed out.
After getting out everything that belonged in the house (shoes, socks, stuffed animals, sippy cups, shirts, backpacks, DVD's, crayons, coloring books, etc.) I pulled out the vacuum, and as I made my way with the hose under the seats I discovered some spilled Skittles. I thought that sucking them up would almost be wasting them so I ate one. I would have eaten another but I noticed a film on it. I looked at it closer and then I looked at where it came from on the floor and BINGO! I had done it! I found the source of stink!
Now I think I know what Columbus must have felt like on that day he looked through his telescope-type thing and saw land.
There was no stopping me now. I went at the rotten chocolate milk on the floor with my soap and water and scrubbing brush. Interestingly enough, the spill dried up in somewhat of a North America shape, and then the splatters all over the door could have easily represented other islands around.
With the car seat covers washed, the floor scrubbed, and the seats all cleaned, and a hint of orange spritz to create a fresh smell, I could hardly wait to get the kids loaded up this morning to drive them to school!
Although there was no cake to celebrate either Columbus's discovery or mine, it was still a grand day. I'm already counting down til next year.
you are such a hilarious person-your posts always make me laugh-thanks!
Lol, come back to Idaho...you make me :)!!
Hahaa, I miss you, COME BACK!!
Congrats on discovering your own stinky North America!
:) That's just the curse of vans--there's so much room for things to get lost, dumped, spilled, and start stinking. Now, could you come do my car next?!
lol!!! What a day! I am so jealous my Columbus Day was not as monumental.
I don't think you are honering that man's name properly!
PS - you do live in Idaho.
LOLOL Wanna come re-discover North America? My van is looking pretty lousy lately.:)
Thanks for the awesome post! I needed a good laugh this morning.:)
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