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Monday, December 28, 2020


 It's really all a blur--the whole end of the year.  From Halloween until New Year's Eve, no one knows exactly what goes on, but there sure seems to be a lot of hustle and bustle (what is bustle?).  Highlights for us include the start of the college basketball season, particularly the Utah State Aggies (Beeeeaaaaannnn!).  Nothing like the late, intense nights at the games, the long drive home and the alarm going off waking everyone for school just a few hours after the head hits the pillow.  We wouldn't have it any other way.

Lights go up, and the details aren't to go unnoticed.
I envisioned this really cute stocking project.  You know, the kids go pick out things they want to put on their stocking to represent them.  It would be really cute and structured and nice straight lines and organized creativity.   Not quite organized, but creative nonetheless.

With Gimme going to school in a different district, it's fun for her to come and visit me at work.  I love that she gets to spend that time with Slice too.  They are so cute together.  They are lucky to have each other.

Did I mention that not only did Covid-19 bring home school, but home church as well!  That's right.  We just Zoom in for sacrament meeting.  Our testimony meeting was interesting, but the spirit was still felt.  It has been a blessing being able to partake of the sacrament in our home.  I'm grateful that Ace and Mulligan hold the priesthood and can help with that ordinance in our home.  

Ace busted out his birthday present and plowed the sidewalks and then pulled the sleds for fun.  Those are memories our kids will hold forever.  I'm glad they have that.  They are beginning to believe that winter is not terrible and that being outside is not cold, but enjoyable!  I'm not going to change their minds.  They can think that and live here close to me forever.  

Another Christmas is in the books.  It's always nice to have that time to be together and form strong traditions.  So many memories made, bonds solidified, and that feeling of magic and peace in the air.  I love the Christmas season and all that it represents.  People think that because I take my Christmas tree down on Christmas morning, that I don't like Christmas.  That is not true.  I love Christmas, but not because of the tree and the decorations and the gifts.  I love Christmas because I love Christ.  I love that He was born to atone for me.  I know HE lives. 

It is going to take a Christmas miracle to get this girl away from her binkie.  I have been keeping them in the cupboard and giving them to her at night to sleep.  Well, she found out where they were hiding and got one by herself.  

The haircut situation was a bit out of hand.  Thankfully my sister Renae stepped in to save us.  When she asked my boys how they wanted their hair cut, they said they wanted it cut like their cousins Landon and Brayden.  My heart was so happy.  I am so thankful that my kids notice and love their cousins.  I'm so thankful that their cousins set such a good example to them and are so good to them.  

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