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Saturday, August 31, 2019

Happy Birthday Kimball!

My concert going experiences are few, but most are notable.  My first concert was Tim McGraw.  He came to the Eastern Idaho State Fair.  Because it was my first go, I didn't know how to act or what to do at such an event.  I did love listening to Tim sing though.

Next, was Collin Raye.  He came to Rexburg and sang at the stadium.  I don't mean to brag or anything, but I could sing along to all of his songs.  I was very well behaved because I was still new to the concert scene, and this was at BYU-Idaho. The best part about this concert was that I was with Kimball.  He didn't mind that I was rocking and rolling to mellow country, and when he caught the beat of "Little Red Rodeo" he couldn't contain his sitting dance moves either.  We just rocked out together in our own little way and laughed about it all along.    This was the concert life!  haha

The excitement in me could hardly be contained on my way home when I passed Collin's tour bus.  I'm sure he was in there, and I'm sure he was glad I honked as I passed.  Kimball was also very excited about this news when I called him the second I got home to tell him.

I'm sure he'd be just as excited about my concert activity these days.  Who are we kidding?  He'd be jealous of all the David Archuleta action.  He'd probably want tickets for a birthday gift. 

I'd hit another concert with him any day.

Happy Birthday Kimball!!

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