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Thursday, August 29, 2019

First for Everything

Welp.  The first day of school has come.  We have a sophomore.  No biggie.  She was long gone to school before I got my camera out to take pictures.  Then, I forgot to take her picture the next day, and the next day, and well, I just didn't. 

So far, the kids are loving school and their teachers.  We are figuring out the whole homework/studying thing, but we'll get there.  I started working at the kids' school as the librarian (good thing no list of recently read books was required for the job).  I love being there with my 2 favorite second graders and my favorite 6th grader!

In the meantime, we're soaking up every last drop of sunshine and warmth, because we know those won't last much longer.

Here's to a new school year! Wish us luck!

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