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Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Grand...

Have you been to the Grand Canyon?  Have you been to the Grand Canyon in the middle of July?  Let's talk about that for a minute.

It just so happens that Ace has a sister living in AZ.  It just so happens, she was in charge of the family reunion this year.  It also just so happens that we love 4,000 hours in the car, (the kids can watch DVD's now!) so we hopped in the van and drove south.

On the way (ish) we stopped at the Grand Canyon.  Why?  Because we're parenting champions and we wanted to give them memories.  Also, who knows when we'll ever be down there again.  We're still recovering from the drive.

I digress.

Back to the matter at hand.

We drove to the Canyon.  We saw the sights.  Loved all of them.  Breathtaking.  Climbed like 90 stairs or something.  Loved it.

Fine.  We'll go back someday.  It was awesome.

 All 4,000 hours--good thing this child didn't need the cup holders for cups.

Look at us all touristy and stuff.

Lucky for us our cousin got to come along on this 4,000 hour drive with us!

After the Canyon stop, we drove to Flagstaff for a swim and a little shut eye.  Nothing shady about a 2 star motel. 

We had a great time traveling.  Everyone was happy and content to be in the car.  I was really grateful for the movies and the phones to keep everyone entertained.  I don't think the entertainment I was raised on would have got us very far. Only because I don't know all of the different parts to the instrument song.  (You know the one..."The clarinet, the clarinet, goes doodly doodly det...")  We'll work on it for next time.  ;)

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