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Saturday, July 20, 2019

It's a hot one!

After a bit of a motel parking lot serenade (I was blasting Willie Nelson's "On the Road Again" and John Mayer's "Route 66" while Ace was loading bags and the kids were getting into the van), we were literally on the road again.

We were pumped to arrive at Share's where the swimming pool awaited.  The kids greeted their Aunt and cousins and then got changed and headed out back to swim.  We never heard from them again for the rest of the trip.

Okay, that's a lie.

They got hungry.  We fed them.

But that wasn't all.  We played games.  We shopped.  We talked.  We had devotionals.  We tug of warred.  We crafted.  We got gifts (this stay sure beats the 2 star stop in Flagstaff where we didn't even get a mint on the pillow!)  We golfed (Go ahead and say Hello to the Champion.  I'm the champion.  KTlyn is also the Champion.  Together, we were victorious at the Family Scramble.)  We swam some more.  (I went running in the triple digits and upon my return, I jumped directly into the pool.  Splash.  So refreshing.)  Speaking of refreshing, there was Diet Coke a plenty--a must at any reunion--and enough laughs to last a while.  We had a great time.

In no particular order, photos to document our stay.

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