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Sunday, May 19, 2019


I'm not saying I'm old, I'm only saying that rounding out my last year of being basically 40 has it's ups and downs. 

For instance, let's start with the downs.  Metabolism.  Molasses.  Also, why do children fight an 8:00 bedtime?  Yes it's light outside, but if they close their eyes, it's dark.  I'd do anything to be in bed by 8 p.m. every night.  I mean, I'm pretty much done for the day by 6 anyway.

Now, let's discuss the ups.  If you were born too late you missed out on the Walkman.  I'm sorry. 

Sure we can compare the Walkman to an iPod or whatever, but I'd choose the Walkman over anything.  Easy to clip on the belt (no additional charge for that clip by the way, it came built on), and the anti-rolling feature (you know, so the tape doesn't get all garbled up)  makes those cassettes sound almost flawless. 

I mowed many a lawn (mowing the initials of whatever boy had a crush on with the lower wheel setting on the mower.  I took my work seriously.) with this sweet tune player.  I had mix tapes, that I wish I had access to today.  No wonder my dance moves are so advanced.  Look at what I was raised on!

While cleaning out my dad's bedroom cabinet, we found several treasures, including the Walkman.  I'm sure he was keeping it so that I could have it. I brought it home and my kids had no idea what it was.  They didn't even know what to guess until I busted out the sweet headphones and connected them.

I'm not going to lie.  We're all hoping for a comeback!

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