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Sunday, April 21, 2019

Egg-cellent Easter

Get it?  Egg-cellent?

This year for Easter, we opted out of the local egg hunts and created our own.  We did it "Amazing Race" style.  The kids had to work together to solve clues that would take them to the location where plastic eggs full of candy were hidden.  We went to my parents house to hide the goods.  They did pretty good for their first time cracking clues.  Next year we'll use harder clues. 

I'll forever view Easter as the most sacred holiday.  It means so much more to me as I grow older and as I lose more friends and family to death.  I'm so grateful Easter is more than eggs and bunnies.  I'm grateful for a Savior who died, and lived again.  This has made it possible for us to do the same.  Death is not the end.  There is a resurrection.

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