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Saturday, December 8, 2018

Floor Pro

As it turns out, Ace isn't the only handy one around this place.  I happen to have quite the knack for remodeling projects.  HaHa!

We replaced our bedroom carpet with this hard floor.  I pretty much love it.  I'm ready to do all of the bedrooms in this stuff.  Now, that I'm a pro, I could probably pull it off...if there wasn't so much math  and measuring involved!  Ha!  Ace did all the measuring and cutting (I don't know why he doesn't trust me with the saw...) and I connected most of the pieces.  He finished off the trim, and now I'm ready to paint the walls. 

This little project lead to the cleaning out of the closet.  (Don't worry.  All 25 pairs of my Nike shoes were spared, but Ace lost most of his jackets.  I gave up some no name t-shirts, and dresses, and wa-lah.  We have all kinds of room in that closet!)

It's so refreshing to have this little makeover finished!

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