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Friday, November 16, 2018


November brought with it, a new shed for us!  Ace wanted a place outside the garage (where we cram 2 cars inside) to store his tools.  It came in great big boxes, which meant the tools had to be used to build the thing.  It was a huge undertaking (I say that like I did so much to help...I actually did not.), but in traditional Ace fashion, it is built and storing.

The garage also got cleaned out and organized.

And SUDDENLY, I'm the proud owner of a shed.  Our old shed (the metal one) is still used as storage for craft wood (I'll get around to all those Pinterest projects someday), and the bikes and stuff during the winter.  The kids refer to the sheds as "Dad's Shed" and "Mom's Shed".

Our little helper.

But here's the finished project:

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