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Sunday, October 14, 2018

If you upchuck when someone else does...

You're a chain chucker, and you may not want to read  any further.

Recently, our family was sick.  Like, all in a day or two, everyone had to throw up.  Don't worry, our neighbors were also sick with the same thing.  Friends that retch together, stay friends forever.

I didn't get it until the end, so I had the privilege of observing the whole fiasco, and I learned a lot.  I learned that people's personalities (at least in our family) match the way they hurl.  Sorry, that I'm talking about this, but it's an interesting phenomonon.

I am a reluctant retcher.  I won't throw up at home unless I've cleaned the toilet, and bathroom.  I'll have a towel folded up to kneel on as not to strain my knees.  I'll do my hair up, as not to strain my strands.  Haha.  All of this is done while I'm fighting myself trying to decide if I should risk hurrying to inhale a bunch of calories, knowing they won't really count, or if I should just fight it and not puke at all.

If you know me, you know I'm only OCD if it's easy, and I only go through the effort of cleaning the bathrooms if I'm going to be sick.  haha.

Ace is a Violent Vomiter.  No secret about what he's up to.  He goes all out.

If you know Ace, you know there are no cutting corners.  When he's working on a task, he goes all out to make it awesome (do I need to mention the TV that raises up out of our half wall?).

Gimme is a Theatrical Thrower Upper.  As she's hovering over the toilet, she's wailing and crying.  "I don't want to throw up anymore!!"  Tears.  Moaning.  End Scene.

If you know Gimme, you know there's a little theater in all that she does.  It's not unusual for me to ask her to "Disney down" or in other words, remind her we're not a show on the Disney Now channel.  She has an incredible imagination.

Mulligan is a Boring Barfer.  The least amount of effort he has to put in to get it all out, the better.  If that means barfing in a bowl in his lap, so be it.  He couldn't care less about the splash zone.  As long as he doesn't miss anything on the ESPN sports feed, he's good to go.   He's also fine to hold that full bowl until I'm grossed out enough to take it and empty it for him.

If you know Mulligan, you know that he lives for sports and has no time for anything else.  If a job needs done, he'll do it half way, get distracted, and then distract me by talking sports, so I can't  "motivate" him to finish the work.  I eventually end up doing the job later on.  He's got me convinced that he has "short term memory loss".

Birdie is a Private Puker (a girl after my own heart).  She was the first one to get sick.  She didn't let anyone know she wasn't feeling well until after she lay in bed, miserable all night.  Every time she had to puke, she slipped quietly into the bathroom, did what she had to do, and resumed her position on the couch for a nap.

If you know Birdie, you know that she is quiet, reserved, and has the most tender heart of anyone I know.  She knows how to get her way, and she's pretty much got me wrapped around her little finger.

Double Bogey is our Comedian Cookie Tosser.  He will toss his cookies where ever, and then laugh his head off, and then when he's done, he'll go give the play by play of the fiasco to anyone who might have missed any details about his mess.

If you know Double Bogey, you know that he will do anything to make someone else happy--even if that means he gets dirty or hurt.  He just wants everyone to be happy and laughing.  He also loves to be the center of attention.

Bogey is our Heroic Heaver.  He's only thrown up one single time in his life because he had a procedure done right after he was born that was supposed to prevent him from ever throwing up...ever.  So when he heaves, he gets high fives.  He's defying the odds.

If you know Bogey, you know that he is a fighter and has overcome so much.  When he gets sick, he's usually sick for a longer amount of time.  I've never heard him complain about it once.

Slice is our Surprise Spewer.  You just never know what's coming.

If you know Slice, well, then you know surprises.  She's a pro.

Luckily, the illness was quick and everyone was feeling better within 24 hours.  Hopefully we are done with that kind of sickness for a long while.  It would be too soon to post about it again.  ;)

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