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Saturday, August 18, 2018

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

I feel like I don't get enough baseball in my life because my kids don't play it semi-professionally (like, no city league, or little league, or any league.  We're just the backyard wiffle ball type).  However, that doesn't lessen my love for the sport.  I wish more NY Yankees games were televised.  I could easily blow a day on the couch watching those pinstripes.  

Since that isn't happening, my only option is the Idaho Falls Chuckars.  
I'll take it--especially since I get to go with my friends and family.

I've said before and I'll say it again and again.  I love my friends.  Erica and Candice (I need to get them offical blog names) have been my vents and my source of some of my hardest laughs.  I don't know what I would do without them.  They keep me cultured.  They keep me sane.  They keep me happy. 

Thanks to Rainbow Restoration, we got tickets for our family to catch another Chuckars game this summer.  There's not much that beats a summer night at the ball game with the ones you love.  I mean, seriously.  We had kettle corn too.  Dreams coming true all over the place.  

Gimme had friends over (um, so, this social thing.  Whoa.), and invited Birdie to stay with her so that she could be the "server" with her other little friend.  I think that is a sweet sister move?  I'm not sure, but Birdie was stoked to be a part of such a grown up activity. 

I'm already freaking out that school starts next week.  Any ideas where summer went?  I guess the good news is, we have the World Series to look forward to...

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