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Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Big Day

Ace is a handy guy.  He fixes stuff, builds stuff, and makes our house cool.  :)    Ha! Most recently he put in a new kitchen sink.  I honestly could stack dishes in there for a week and they would all fit.

All my OCD pals, don't worry.  I don't let them stack up for week.  Now that school has started, I have time to do dishes.

..and take mirror selfies. 

Here are our traditional first day of school, in front of our tree, that I think is getting taller:






Let's all freak out that I have a child in high school.  HIGH SCHOOL!  I'm serious.  On the count of three.  One...two...Already freaking out.

So while they're all away at school ALL DAY LONG, I'm busting out the bon bons, and kicking my feet up, and....

...oh wait.  No I'm not.  I have a baby.

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