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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Looking back

Last night, I was exhausted.  I had survived kindergarten and 5th-grade boys basketball practices, and a full day in the library.   I could not wait to fall into bed.  This whole "job" thing is giving me a run for my money...literally!  As I griped about kids brushing their teeth, and asking them a million times to "GO TO BED!!!" I was slapped into humility as I remembered the date and its significance.

Two years ago, (September 25, 2015) Bogey had undergone his second open heart surgery.  I started flipping through pictures and I am so grateful for what I have!  I am so grateful for that little boy and the things that his health conditions have taught me.  I know I would be a mess without Ace coaxing me through each step and trying to understand my mental processes.  ;)

Our family is better and stronger because of what Bogey has had to endure.  I'm so thankful he was willing to take on the challenge!

I love my little Par 5 even when they don't go to bed the first time I ask!

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