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Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Besides football and wearing hoodies every single day, I love fall (or autumn) because of the backyard where I grew up.  There are two great big trees (I have no idea what kind) that cover the whole place with shade in the summer, and leaves in the fall.  It’s so fun to be out there making memories.  This year did not disappoint in the leaf department.  Lots of raking, lots of jumping, lots of good times, not to be forgotten.

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This fall we also made it to a corn maze for Family Home Evening.  We talked a lot about the importance of a map in our lives, and we were able to testify to our children how blessed we are to have a prophet of God living on the Earth today to help guide us, and keep our location on our map clear, and direct.  We talked to them about how sticking together as a family is safer, and more fun, then trying to navigate life on our own.  It was a fun night, and I hope our children will remember the things we talked about, especially if they ever start to feel “lost” in this confusing world we live in.


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