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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Ah-Ha Moment

I realize that I just posted, but I really had an impression today (just moments ago, actually) that I wanted to document for the off-spring. :)

With this new virus spreading like wildfire, and with it setting up shop right here in our backyard, I’ve been mostly on the panicky side of the fence. 

This little illness could really do some damage here in our home.  Any illness isn’t good for Bogey, but respiratory sickness is hardest for him to handle.  Double Bogey was in the hospital twice last December for croup.  He doesn’t do well with respiratory germs either.  I have nephews who struggle with asthma. 

Panic attacks justified.  Right?

Well, after I rushed to the store to buy disinfectant and Clorox wipes, as well as different kinds of medicines, I went to work on the house.  I wiped down all of the door knobs and light switches.  I was ready to create a big fat “Q” (quarantined) to hang on the front door, so we wouldn’t infect visitors, and I was debating on whether or not I should head back to the store for medical masks and gloves for my older kids to don when they enter their school.

Then it hit me.

My “ah-ha!”

We have a loving Father in Heaven who is stronger than any medicine or disinfectant.  He is watching over our family and loved ones.  He knows all about my children and their bodies and their immune systems. 

He knows. 

So, at that moment, I dropped to my knees and asked Heavenly Father to forgive me for my lack of faith. 

I know that now I can’t sit back and do nothing, and still expect Heavenly Father to shield my children.  I still have to put for the effort to clean, and my kids still need to wash their hands. I have to do my part and, I have to trust that God will do His part in blessing us with what we need, regardless of sickness or health. 

I just allowed my fear and worry to douse my faith.


Happy Days said...

Thanks for sharing. Your faith inspires me, especially with all the sickness going around. So do one of your kids have the respiratory sickness that is going around? What do you do for it?

Jylisha Campbell said...

love this post! Thanks for the reminder for all of us.