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Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day 2014

Every Memorial Day for as long as I can remember, my family has gone to the Menan Butte Cemetery to put flowers on the graves of our loved ones. 

It’s a little more heart wrenching these days, since Kimball has died.  There is no doubt there is a special spirit there, though.  I love going there with my family.

Our boys were named after some very special people; my brother, my grandpa, and Ace’s grandpa.  Mulligan has two other cousins with the same middle name: Kimball. 


It’s never a surprise to find golf balls set up on tees near the headstone of my brother’s grave, with sweet little messages on them from my nephews.  This year, Kimball’s only daughter left a ball on his headstone, above the inscription: Families Are Forever.  Pretty touching.


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