A friend of mine posted this on my Facebook wall. I’m not sure why I came to her mind when she read it ;), but nonetheless, I found most pictures eerily familiar. (Thanks Emily Usher!!)
25 Signs You're Addicted To Diet Coke
Welcome to Diet-Coke-Aholics Anonymous. posted on April 30, 2013 at 2:44pm EDTArielle Calderon BuzzFeed Fellow
1. This is a regular occurrence in your car.

Source: statigr.am (If you've seen my car, you know that each cup holder holds an empty 44 ouncer).
2. And at your desk.

Source: statigr.am
3. You buy your DC in bulk, because why not?

And probably save some money. (I would like to add, that that water would last at least a year, but the Diet Coke would be gone in two weeks—at least—)
Source: imgur.com
4. This is basically your worst nightmare.

Source: statigr.am
Seriously, how could anyone favor Diet Pepsi?

Source: asundayafternoon.com
5. It's never too early to drink a Diet Coke.

Source: snaxtime.com
6. Or too late.

Source: statigr.am
7. It's something you crave ALL THE TIME.

Source: statigr.am
8. Every fan knows the best way to enjoy a DC is to pour it in a glass of ice.

Fountain > Bottle > Can
Source: celebritiesdrinkingdietcoke.tumblr.com
9. Your perfect day looks very similar to this.

Source: statigr.am
10. If someone tries to steal your Diet Coke from the fridge, you will riot.

Source: 3.bp.blogspot.com
11. Your trash can may or may not look like this.

OK, this is a little too much Diet Coke. Sending help.
Source: statigr.am
12. You can drink this soda with pretty much anything.

Source: statigr.am

Source: statigr.am

Source: statigr.am
13. An ice-cold Diet Coke is almost more refreshing than water.

Source: youtube.com
14. If you're a true fan, you can't stand the other random flavors the company produces.

Source: statigr.am
15. You know that drinking with a straw from a can ruins the taste.

Don't do it!
Source: statigr.am
16. Diet Coke often serves as a mixer when you order a drink at the bar.

Source: statigr.am I wouldn't know anything about this because obviously, I don't drink...alcohol...
17. Contrary to popular belief, you don't order Diet Coke because you think it will make you skinny.

Source: owned.com
18. You order it because...

Coke is too sweet.
Source: memecenter.com
19. When your friends are going to pick up food or snacks, they know exactly what to get you.

Source: statigr.am
20. You've been told numerous times how bad Diet Coke is and how much aspartame is in it.

Source: blogs.mcgill.ca
21. And you've probably tried to quit because of it.

And it is hard.
Source: xojane.com
22. When you do, you count the days with pride.

Image by Arielle Calderon/Buzzfeed
23. And tell all your friends about it.

Source: @HitOrMissJudy

Source: @LaneJane11

Source: @shoshhhhb
24. But then you relapse and binge on your favorite carbonated drink.

And if you don't, more power to you!
Source: statigr.am
25. Which means it's time to face reality and admit you are...

Source: dietstarts2mrw.com

Source: whatshouldbetchescallme.tumblr.com
Hey. I’m only 24 out of 25, so it’s safe to say I’m not a complete addict…
…is anyone else super thirsty? Whew! I sure am.
What to drink...what to drink...hmmmm... ;)
I really want a Diet Coke now and have NOTHING in the house!
I have to say that because of you and your mini fridge full of diet coke at the Ronald McDonald hoouse...I too am addicted to diet coke. Not nearly as bad as you yet, but then again we are going on vacation with you soon!
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