…Our parenthood journey began…
9 years ago, we were en route to the hospital ready to have a baby.
Well, I was ready. Ace was hungry, so we stopped at Perkins for some breakfast…it was on the way, so why not? This was our first time having a baby. What did we know?
I ordered the waffle with strawberries and cream. I didn’t eat it. But I did sip on my Diet Coke. Those blasted contractions were killing my appetite.
Ace, ordered his 12 course breakfast, with juice. The contractions didn’t seem to bother him one bit.
By the time we got to the hospital it was after 11. I was only at a 4. I was up all night, so sick and uncomfortable and all I got was a 4!! So frustrating. So, for the next few hours, I just sat there. Munching ice chips, wishing I would have just bucked up and slammed that waffle when I had the chance.
Finally, the doctor ordered pitocin to get things going. It was Memorial Day Weekend. He had things to do, places to go.
Luckily, when the contractions finally meant something, and I made it to a 10, the Lakers were playing the Timberwolves. (Please note, this was back in the day when Karl Malone was a Laker, and Kobe was quality. I was a fan. There I said it. Thank goodness Oklahoma picked up some Thunder, and saved me from my evil ways). Ace was standing up by my head holding my hand, talking me through the whole ordeal…
Nah. He wasn’t. He was watching the game.
So was the doctor.
So was I.
It was so exciting. We almost forgot our main purpose. (Man, I love me an epidural!!)
So, on the commercials (if they weren’t funny) I pushed. (We didn’t want to miss any of the game… ;)
And then it happened.
The T’Wolves beat the Lakers. 96-98. Kevin Garnett had the game of his life….
And more importantly, the sweetest, happiest baby girl was born.
Gimme is the best big sister, first daughter, and main helper. We don’t know what we would ever do without her!
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