My heart has been so full, as I have thought about what I am thankful for.
Naturally, the first thing that comes to mind are the blessings we have received these past few months on Bogey’s behalf. How do you express adequate gratitude to the doctors and nurses that sacrificed so much time away from their families to help better our sons life? How can I begin to explain how thankful I am for a pediatrician that didn’t turn me away when I showed up on his doorstep with Bogey because I needed him to see Bogey’s breathing? (It helps that we grew up in the same neighborhood and that our families know each other so well…) I love those people who did so much to help us through these last 7 months.
I literally come to tears when I think about how thankful I am for my parents and brothers and sisters and all of my in-laws. My whole life would not be the same without them. I can go to any one of them at any time and walk away a better person, just from talking to them. Plus, it is a major bonus that each of them are HILARIOUS. I feel like we should be filming our family reunions, so everyone can laugh with us.
I often joke about how Ace and I should have stopped at 2 children, because we could almost manage them. I know without a doubt I would be way to bored if we had. Each one of my children are so different, but I am grateful for what they have taught me, and continue to teach me. I don’t know what I would do without them (besides, sleep, enjoy a clean house, come an go as I please…ha ha…that stuff is all overrated).
However, these past few days, I have been overwhelmed with gratitude for my Eternal Companion, who was living his dream on the golf course, working his way to become a certified golf professional. He was so happy, doing what he loved. When the twins were born, he knew I would need help, and that help would have to come from family…far away. He packed up our stuff, left his career path, and brought me where he knew I would feel the most secure, during a very unknown, and scary time. I will always love him for the sacrifice he made for our family. I would be lost without him.
I could certainly go on and on about all my other blessings that I have, but I doubt there is enough space on this blog. Just know, that I recognize that I am blessed, and know from Whom all blessings flow.
You definitely found yourself a catch. There are a couple of amazing men in that family! It is amazing to see how they shine through during the trials, and how love increases. Wish we could've been there!
This is a sweet post. Great spouse, great kids, what more is there!?! :)
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