When I entered the 7th grade, I chose to go to the junior high where my older brother was attending instead of the new junior high that had just been built where all of my friends from elementary school would be going. I really don’t know what got into me, to make that choice, because I knew I wouldn’t have any friends. For the first few weeks of 7th grade, I ate lunch with my brother and his friends (who would later be known as the “eX-Men”).
Eventually, I met Stephanie McFadden, Erica Jacobson, Candice Young, and Diana Marshall. We became quite the crew. We named ourselves the “S.R.U.’s”. Our weekends consisted of Camo Missions, Movies, meeting up with boys (usually, one of us “liked” one of the eX-Men, so Kimball and I coordinated our plans so that our groups could get together, but not count as an actual “date”—since none of us were 16--and our parents would never know…so sneaky.) and Stake dances. When we were in the ninth grade, those girls were present (and somewhat to blame for my caffeine addiction…;) when I accepted their offer and took my first sip of Dr. Pepper/caffeine. And that is about as wild as we got. I am so grateful I made the drastic choice to step into the “unknown”!
Later on, as we got older and got married and moved away from each other, we have leaned on each other as we have each gone through our trials. I have loved connecting with these friends through Facebook (c’mon Diana!! Join us!!) and phone calls and texts.
Last night, Erica, Candice and I got together for dinner. I loved visiting and reminiscing with them! It is going to be great when we can get the rest of the gang together (hopefully soon…Steph, are you going to come home for Christmas?)
(I don’t know why I got to sit directly under the light, but whatever.)
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