My sister Renae knows quality entertainment and couldn't pass up the chance to be here when Blanchard Daze was going on. She and her husband and 3 sweet children made the trek to come and visit us! It was so great to have them here! We have missed them so much.
To be honest though, I only used Blanchard Daze as a front to trick them into coming here. We didn't actually go to anything associated with the big event, in fact, we weren't even in this town! My brother-in-law took care of all 6 kids (bow down, bow down) while my sister and I went into Spokane to the MALL (it's a double decker by the case that might draw anyone else to come visit). It was a great day.
There was plenty of swimming and golfing for all, plus Wii games and bowling.
We can't wait for them to come again. We had the best time. My children's best friends are their cousins!
a double decker mall!!. . GET OUT! I am on my way!!I'm a little disappointed you didn't go to Blanchard daze though I was looking forward to hearing all about the crazy happenings of the Blanchard folk.
I reckon the citizens of Blanchard promote this pretend Daze event just so they can get their kin to come visit. Not a bad idea, actually.....
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