Sweet background huh? Thanks to my friend Gina, the ol' blog is all spiffed up and looking good. Gina designed the background and header and then helped me work through all the html gibberish (Thanks again Gina!). She and her friend Dana put together a spankin new blog with all kinds of SUPER CUTE backgrounds, and I'm pretty sure anyone that has a blog is going to want to get right over there and check it out...here's the address:
On another note, I went ahead and was late getting home this afternoon, so Gimme's bus dropped her off to an empty house. She was so sad. She cried and just started walking up the street. :( How sad is that? When I rounded the corner, our next door neighbor was just pulling out of her driveway and saw Gimme crying and was talking to her, trying to get her calmed down. I felt pretty good about myself. I'm pretty sure I'm getting closer to that "Mother of the Year" award now.
When Gimme got in the van and I apologized and hugged her and kissed her forever, she went back to her seat and sat down and said, "Mom, that's the second time this has happened. When is it going to stop?"
I didn't know how to answer, so I just took her to Maverick and let her get a chocolate milk. She forgave me, and it's forgotten now...no, probably not totally fogotten, but she didn't send me to time-out so I guess we're good! :)
Don't worry, I totally spaced that it was early release last month... My poor kids were sitting outside on the steps for like 20 minutes. Yup, 20 minutes. Were they crying, though? Uh, no. Why, you ask? Yeah, this has happened so many times that they are totally used to it. They were just sitting there reading their library books. Poor kids. I'm just glad that it happened to be a nice day, no snow or wind. I lucked out. Just go ahead and send that 'Mother of the Year' award right on over. :)
Thanks for the plug! I am happy you like it!
Wow! I think I know the Gina and Dana you're talking about! It seems a sif we know half your ward according to Clint and Michael.
Funny our little circle of common friends, eh? Too funny. Hey thanks for sending peeps our way! I love the new background Gina did for you. It's great fun.
And I'm with Gimme, I think chocolate milk would make me forget about being mad too. Isn't it nice to have good neighbors, though?
Love the new look! Your posts always crack me up...you tell it like it REALLY is! :)
That is hilarious. Seriously. I love how kids so candidly and simply put us right in our place sometimes. I'm getting more of that from my emerging pre-schooler.
But like my great aunt Beatrice always used to say: "Nothin' a little Chocolate Milk can't fix!"
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