For the second year in a row, we have gone to Reed's Dairy Family Fun Day. I don't know where the "fun" actually comes in for the adults, but the kids always have a good time.
I don't know why, but Gimme feels like she needs to wear boots when she even hears the word "farm". Unfortunately, her boots that she has worn since she was two and a half are now too small for her, so we had to just go with some regular shoe looking boots. Nonetheless, they were boots.
I'm certain the favorite activity was traipsing through the mud n' muck standing in line for the horse rides. We did that twice. The tour of the farm from a horse drawn wagon was also a big hit (We stood in line on concrete for that one...not nearly as enjoyable, only worth doing once). Nothing like watching a bunch of cows mull around in stalls.
Facing the crowd in the pretty cold temps, smelling the smells of the dairy, and watching baby pigs eat was all worth the $.50 ice cream cone. Undoubtedly we'll be back next year.
Maybe I'll buy some boots for myself before then. They might just be the ticket to "fun".
I remember going to that last year. I did not have boots either. Maybe that's why I decided not to go this year.
Looks like fun for the kids!
I feel the need to dress up all 'westerny' for events of the like also!
Rachelle, thanks for looking me up. You are still so funny, and it looks like the kids in your fam are too! It is great to see some of the IF crowd!
oh man, i wish we would have known, we would have gone with ya! also, love teh post about Kimball! I wish I could have gotten to know him better... and now when is a good time to get together?
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