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Friday, August 2, 2019

Little Rodeo Action

So, my SRU's are my people.  They are my saving grace, my bright spot, and my best friends.  I don't know where I'd be without them...and I've been saying that since the 7th grade when we met.  They kept me on the strait and narrow, and their examples are helping me stay on there today.

I feel like I laugh the hardest with them.  Like, for instance, when we went to the rodeo.  Oh gosh, I laughed pretty hard.  It's a good thing there was something to laugh about, though.  I was so nervous about the Indians, the wild horses, and the bucking cows.  Whoa.  What a night.

I'm already prepping for next year.  (Note to self, bring the brown paper bag to breathe into when the Indians ride the wild horses and bang the drums.)

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