Last night, Ace had to go to my Uncle Alan’s house to save him money on insurance. :) I wanted to get out of the house, so Ace stopped by to pick up the whole tribe. As soon as we pulled into the driveway of Alan’s house, 8 little puppies greeted us. Gimme picked one out immediately, and begged us to buy it for her. That charade of course gave Birdie the green light to pick out the puppy that she wanted to take home. I started regretting my choice to bring the kids along.
As Ace presented the insurance quote, Cathy (my Aunt) joined us outside and helped Double Bogey get close to the puppies. I’m surprised he didn’t start begging for one too. In the meantime, Mulligan was standing on a chair, keeping his distance from the four-legged friends. He wasn’t begging. I think that’s why he was my favorite child of the night. :)
(Confession: by the end of the night, I was almost ready to cough up the cash to get one of those cute little puppies! Seriously, look at them! All soft and cuddly…)
On the way home, not only was Gimme planning her future with dogs galore, but she also started imagining her life with horses in our backyard.
Because of course there were horses there, and of course the kids got to ride one. Bless my cousin Rachel’s heart for being such a good sport about walking in circles, leading the monstrous animal, since I wasn’t going anywhere near the thing. It was enough to keep my cool on the outside as my insides raged with panic.

When they woke up this morning, and I told them to get dressed and to hurry and get their jobs done, they were wondering if was time to go back to “Rachel’s house for dad’s work”….
…no it was not.
Instead, it was time for mom and dad to go golfing!
My parents (who are pretty much saints) agreed to watch the tribe so that Ace and I could hit the links. I can’t even remember the last time we went golfing together.
It was so fun! The weather was perfect. I played with the same ball for 8 out of 9 holes. ( I started out with a Callaway, and shot it out of bounds into the weeds on the first hole. It’s fine. I didn’t want to play with a Callaway ball anyway. I went to the Nike ball, and stayed with it for the rest of the round.) Ace was generous with the gimme’s, so I walked away only 7 strokes behind him. I’ll go ahead and count that as par.
The only problem is, now I’m hooked again.
So, who has two and a half hours to host a pow-wow? :)
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