Here is a little list of the reasons why we can't wait to go back!
Oklahoma City Thunder Wall--I painted my nephews wall in the OKC Thunder colors to rival his brothers Pheonix Suns wall in their bedroom. I can't wait to see how it looks with all of the posters etc. on there.
Kids--as in my niece and nephews that live out there--are so great. They impress me even more each time I go out to visit them. What great examples they are to me!
Lolofie girls came and sang to us one night. They sounded so good! Plus, they are just super girls and so fun to talk to...They are my newest Facebook Friends and that means a lot! :) We're pretty tight. Maybe next time I go out for a visit I'll let them hear some of my mad singing skillz.
Admiration of my oldest sister: I've always looked up all of my brothers and sisters in every way, but since I've moved far far away, I have a new admiration for my sister that has always lived far away from our family. It's been a pretty tough adjustment for me, living away from my brothers and sisters and not seeing them like I used to, but I have realized that just because I'm far away, doesn't mean I can't maintain my close relationships to my family...Shauna is proof of that.
Hot weather. What a welcoming gift!! :) I walked out of the airport in Oklahoma City, and it was 94 degrees. Even the humidity was appreciated! Every day was nice, except the day before I left, it rained--as in flood--rained. It's a good thing Birdie and I got our swimming in before that storm hit!
Oodles of attention is what Birdie received. I don't think she spent a waking moment entertaining herself. Someone was always there playing with her. She LOVED every second of the trip.
Movies watched for the first time: Karate Kid, Prince of Persia (I had popcorn falling down my shirt, and Milk Duds surfacing from the strangest places...I guess I was pretty into it), Forever Strong, and Michael Jackson-This is It. Yep, I loved every one of 'em...even Michael Jackson (I'm not a huge fan of that guy, like I don't have any t-shirts with him on them, but that movie had me wishing he wasn't dead...)
Awesome. The one word to sum up the whole trip. I can't wait to go again...
No David A t-shirts for my dad, since they only anticipate teenage girls to love the kid it's hard to find one in an XXL MAN shirt!! but if you find one let me know!!AND my dad says he's always liked you too--once I reminded him who you were.. haha jk!
Looks like you guys had lots of fun. Spending time with family is always fun.
Birdie is so freaking cute! Look at all that hair that finally decided to grow. She almost gives Zach (hair-length-wise) a run for his money!
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