I don't know if I'm just old fashioned, or just old, but when we walked into the gym and saw the swarms of homemade "I Love David Archuletta" t-shirts and posters, I was a little embrassed for all the avid fans.
After the opening band finished and the stage was getting set for Archuletta, my back and legs, and rumper, were a little sore from sitting on the hard, wooden bleachers. Plus, the band that had just played was so loud, my ears were still ringing. It would have been nice to turn the volume down a bit so I could have understood some of the lyrics the gentleman was singing.
As soon as Archuletta came running onto the stage, the place went nuts. I will guarantee tears from a 9-12 year old girl were shed when that young buck flashed his smile into the camera. I was about in tears myself, but only from the stiffness in my back, and pain shooting from my hips down my legs.
After all of the "I love you David!", and "Marry me David!" exclamations, Archuletta was able to start singing his songs. Pretty soon, I was so enthralled by the whole experience that I forgot about my pains, and I had my phone out taking pictures of the guy! I was so fascinated by his voice and talent. He was amazing!
I was just sick I didn't have my own homemade t-shirt! Like any other little girl, I would have proudly worn it today too, just to prove I was there and saw the guy! All of the sudden, out of nowhere, I became David Archuletta's number one fan! I'm eager to get to the store to buy his CD!
p.s. Pictures to come...I asked the girl next to me to e-mail me a pic because my phone camera isn't that great at all, so we'll see if that girl's mom actually gives her permission to e-mail me...if not, anyone else that was there that has good pics (and permission from their mothers) can also e-mail a pic or two of D.A. I'll need one for my blog and one for my shirt.... :)
Here are the pictures. Thanks Melissa...
Bahahaha!! I never would have taken you for an Archaletta fan!! even funnier is that my DAD is too!!
Bwahahahahah! Bwahahahahah! I am eager to see photos now....
That was definitely an entertaining blog to read! You are so funny!
Awesome!! ....need I say more. :)
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